Welcome to the Innovation Elementary School PTA

2024-2025 No Hassle Giving!
The 2024-2205 No Hassle Giving drive is live—give online or use this form! Goal: $20,000 by December 31. Please give generously to support teacher-requested grants; staff appreciation activities; and student and family events. Please ask your employer about their Matching Gift Programs. The Innovation Elementary School PTA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Innovation PTA's EIN / Tax ID Number is 86-2748302

December Dates to Remember
Friday, December 6: Innovation Spirit Day
Friday, December 6: Picture Re-take Day
Monday, December 9: Please drop off Huskies Helpers gift cards by December 9! Wednesday, December 11: Early Release
Wednesday, December 11, 4-8pm: Innovation Night at Old Dominion Pizza
Sunday, December 15, 10am: Winter After-School Enrichment Registration begins
December 23-January 3, 2025: No School for Winter Break

January Dates to Remember
Friday, January 10: Innovation Spirit Day
Friday, January 10, 11:59pm: Winter After-School Enrichment Registration closes Wednesday, January 15: Early Release
Thursday, January 16, 6:30pm: Innovation Fine Arts Night
Monday, January 20: No School
Tuesday, January 21, 7pm: PTA Meeting + KidsGiving Activity
Wednesday, January 22, 4-9pm: Innovation Night at Saigon Noodles & Grill Thursday, January 30: No School
Friday, January 31: No School


Follow Innovation PTA

KidsGiving at Innovation
KidsGiving is an organization designed to teach students the importance of philanthropy through partnerships with local non-profit organizations. Register your student as a KidsGiving member here. Once registered, you will receive monthly KidsGiving communications highlighting one or more local nonprofit organizations with three ways of participating: Education, Volunteering, and Giving. Students who participate in at least five activities, including at least one from each category, will be recognized for their philanthropic efforts at the end of the school year.

Innovation T-shirts and Magnets
The PTA Online Store is now selling Innovation T-shirts and Magnets. Order online and items will be delivered to your students' classrooms! While you're shopping, you can also pay your 2024-2025 PTA dues!  

The Smart Talk
The Smart Talk is a free tool to help families set digital safety ground rules together, helping children and families feel safer and more empowered in their digital lives. The Smart Talk, co-created by the National PTA and Norton, is a self-paced online tool for helping families have those important conversations about digital safety. Start talking today: https://thesmarttalk.org. Once your family has completed The Smart Talk, take a picture of the certificate of completion and email it to [email protected] for your student to receive a gift from the PTA!


Innovation ES PTA Joins Benevity Matching Gift Program
The Innovation Elementary School PTA is now a registered nonprofit with the Benevity Matching Gift platform. To take advantage of the matching program, log on to your employer's Benevity site, and search for "Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers" (official name on our W9). A search for "Innovation Elementary School PTA" or "Innovation PTA" should also work. Click here to see the entry.

Minted.com Discount and Fundraising

"Get 20% off when you use promo code FUNDRAISEINNOVATION at minted.com, and Minted will donate 15% back to Innovation PTA! The code is good all year long!


Keep checking the PTA website as we post upcoming events!
2024-2025 Innovation PTA Calendar

Not sure if you're a member?
Check the member dashboard. You will need to remember your password to log into Givebacks/Memberhub. At the top of the page, you should see the following (if you are currently a member):

Innovation Elementary School PTA
Since mm/dd/yyyy

 Why Join PTA? 


PTA Mission: To make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

Family Membership - $20
Parent/Guardian Membership - $10
Faculty/Staff Membership - $10


2024-2025 PTA Officers

President: Marguerite Williams 
Treasurer: Courtney Davison
Secretary: Juliet Brizek
VP Communications: Shinae Kang
VP Community: Brittany Tsiopanas
VP Fundraising
Stephanie Ferber
VP Programs

PTA Meeting Dates

Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Tuesday, April 22, 2025
Tuesday, May 20, 2025

Past Meetings: 
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Family Directory

Innovation PTA Family Directory

APS Volunteer Application

School Division Volunteer Application